Friday, September 7, 2012

I Have a Funny Husband...

Rich and I were standing in the kitchen this evening, and he said to me, "so, now that the kids are gone, what do we do now? I guess we'll just sit around and stare at each other for the rest of our lives." And then he made a face like this guy right here ..............................

Yep, kids are gone. Nothing to do now. Nope, nothing at all. Not. One. Single. Thing. Ha ha ha.

But seriously, I am so grateful for Rich. Our kids are blessed to have the best dad! He is patient, loving, honest, and always dependable. Best of all, he loves God and always strives to do the right thing. Rich is just awesome and I love him more than words can say! I thank the Lord every day for my eternal companion... even if he just may be a vampire... oh well, what can you do. ;-)

"Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them."  —Lady Bird Johnson

"To bring up a child in the way he should go, travel that way yourself."  —Josh Billings