Friday, September 14, 2012

Candy Corn.

I have to admit, I am not a big candy corn fan. Now believe me, there are plenty of other candies that I LOVE (too many!), so don't cry for me. But even though I don't really eat candy corn doesn't mean I don't think they aren't cute as buttons. Anyhoo, last year I shared this candy corn template, which can be used for many fun purposes (click on it, copy and paste it, enlarge it, and go to town!). This year I am actually making the large candy corn-shaped pillow I talked about last year, and I am sending it to my awesome aunt Julie for her birthday that's coming up in early October. And I may make one for myself while I'm at it. I picked out an orange, a yellow, and on off-white print fabric and am piecing them together. It's coming along nicely, and I will share soon. Stay tuned for photos.

Lots of house fix-up projects going on these days. I have been refinishing the cabinets in one of our bathrooms with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint (color: "old ochre"), distressed with a warm wax finish. I have to say that I LOVE ANNIE SLOAN PAINT! Love it. LOVE. My new favorite, hands down. Go get yourself some. I bought mine HERE.

OK, time to get back to work. Hope y'all are loving life! Can't wait for Fall!

"FALL: crisp and golden as an apple."  —J.K. Rowling