Friday, March 30, 2012

Busy Life!

So I started a new temporary part-time job this week and while I love it and I'm learning a lot and I am grateful beyond words for the improvement it's making to our family budget, waking up at 6:15 a.m. every morning, dressing "up" and putting my brain to work in ways it hasn't for a while? Well, it's kinda kicking my bum just a little bit. But now that it's Friday I see some light and I think I just might be able to get used to this. I work with some very nice people in a very nice place and it's good to get up and get going every day. Having worked from home for the past ten years had gotten me into the habit of setting my own pace and often working in my jammies - good things, but part of me really enjoys the "real" workplace again. And of course I still have all of my own business ventures going strong, so life is just extra super-duper crazy busy these days to say the least. But I love it all and I am so grateful for my opportunities! And I have the best family to come home to, so that is a wonderful bonus!

It's times like this, when life cranks into high gear, that I am especially grateful for Rich. He is such a calm, kind person and he keeps me grounded and is always encouraging me to be my best. Hey hubby, I love your guts!

All right, time to go be a housewife for a while. Enjoy the weekend, folks!

"The busy man is troubled by but one devil; the idle man by a thousand."  —Spanish proverb

"The more we do, the more we can do."  —Dag Hammarskjold