Had a really fun belated-birthday night out with my lady friends last night. They spoil me and I love it! We ate tasty Mexican at ON THE BORDER, then went over to NuYo for some delicious frozen yogurt. I went with the pumpkin flavor, combined with a little chocolate. Yum.
So, this weekend is the big unveiling of the new 2012 Hero Arts Catalog! Exciting times in the Rubber Stamping world. KalaniAllred.com will have the new stuff available soon... and yes, I am a little behind on that as I am behind on just about everything else in my life these days. Big sigh... we do what we can, right? Just trying to keep my priorities in order, first of which, of course, always, are the hubs and the kiddos. Being the wife and the mom is a lovely, wonderful, amazing, joyful (mostly) yet extremely time-consuming responsibility, but it's also the absolute greatest blessing in my life.
Ok, time to run. Busy day! And as we all go on with our busy lives, let's always remember the true meaning of the Christmas season. Make it special!
"Christmas is not a time or a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas." —Calvin Coolidge
"I will honour Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year." —Charles Dickens (Darles Chickens)