1. MARRIAGE. Rich and I will celebrate our 24th anniversary in about four months. I cannot even begin to consider what my life would be today without my sweetheart. Rich, you are the most kind, patient, and all-around decent human being I have ever met, and what an incredible blessing it is to know that you are my companion for eternity! And I also think you're kinda handsome and adorable...
2. MOTHERHOOD. Being a mom makes my life complete. The world changed forever on January 5, 1990 when I became a mother. Stephanie and David, although you are both now adults, you will always be my babies and I adore you! You both make me proud every single day. My girl and my boy, I love you!
3. FRIENDS. This year especially, I am grateful for my friends! You know who you are, and you save me in so many ways. You build me up, you strengthen me, you make me laugh, you make me feel loved, you make me feel important, you make me feel needed, you are there for me in good times AND bad, and you help make life worth living. Big hugs to you!
4. HOME. This word encompasses so much that brings comfort and security to my life: shelter, warmth, protection, safety, hot & cold running water, electricity, food, blankets, clothing... the list goes on. In a world full of so much uncertainty, home is such a blessing. And it's where I can be alone with the three people who mean the very most to me on the planet.
5. FAITH. Oh, how thankful I am for my faith. It truly sustains me in times of great trial, and there have been a few of those this year! Truth is truth. Satan is powerful, but we are more powerful than Satan because we are God's children and all (whether we remember it or not) have chosen His plan. Satan only has as much power as we allow him to have. And I know that good WILL triumph in the end. "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every other name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father." —Philippians 2:9-11
6. HEALTH. A healthy mind, a healthy body, a healthy spirit, a healthy relationship with my husband. For these gifts I am thankful.
2011, you have been a full year, but it's time to say good-bye. Now it's on to 2012... let's see what the future holds!
"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are gong to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Years Day." —Edith Pierce
(image above is a new unpublished design that will be available next year...)