Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lots to do Today!

I've got a long list of things to do today... I've already been at it for a couple of hours, but I am going at a moderate pace and enjoying myself. Lori and her girls are coming over around noon and we're having a pie-baking party. Should be great fun! I am very much looking forward to our Thanksgiving gathering tomorrow, as some of my very favorite people will be here! Here's the remainder of my to-do list (which the menfolk Rich and David will assist with later today)... it's such an exciting life, isn't it??

- mow & edge the lawns
- rake the leaves
- sweep the sidewalks & patios
- tidy up inside (vacuum, sweep, mop, dust, clean bathrooms)
- bake pies & cobbler for tomorrow
- prep appetizers & chop veggies for tomorrow
- iron tablecloths for tomorrow
- set tables for tomorrow
- finish laundry
- change bedding
- pray for good weather over Donner Summit
- hug Stephanie when she gets home tonight!

This is a week specially set aside for thankful thinking, and that is what I am focusing on: the good, positive and uplifting things in my life, and there are many! Okay, now it's time to get back to that list. Happy Thanksgiving Eve to one and all!

"The pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving."  —H. Westermayer