Saturday, February 18, 2012

Thanking God for the Flowers

Goodness gracious... it looks like Spring! There are trees blossoming all over the place around these parts, and I've also seen many daffodils blooming, which I have to say are one of the happiest flowers I know of. While we really do need more (some?) rain here in NorCal, the weather has been stunningly gorgeous and I've really been loving it. The nights are still quite cold but the days... just lovely! In fact I plan to spend several hours this coming week doing some weeding and general sprucing up in my front yard. 

Anyway, I am loving the early Spring, and also loving doing lots of new designing these days! Here is another sneak peek of a couple new designs that should be coming out either this summer or early in 2013. So much fun new stuff!

All right - I'm off to spend some quiet quality time with Rich in front of the TV... movie night! And somebody I know has a big birthday tomorrow... happy 52 to my hubs! Love you forever.

"It takes a long time to grow young."  —Pablo Picasso

"A birthday is the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip."  —unknown