Farewell, Stampin' Treasures
Stampin' Treasures, owned by my dear friend Diane, is closing. After almost 14 years in business, Diane has decided to move on to other things and I am helping her close the business and sell off the inventory. Great deals are afoot! Go to StampinTrea
sures.com early and often to get in on the action. There's lots to choose from including Hero Arts, Memory Box, Lockhart, Impression Obsession, My Sentiments Exactly, My Favorite Things, Ranger, Kodomo, Hanko, and more. Right now everything is 25% off, and the discounts will get deeper as the month goes on (however if you wait the stuff you want may sell out).
Diane's customers love her and the unique, personal and wonderful service she provides. She's already received a flood of well-wishes from the dedicated and loyal customer/friends she's earned over the years. She will be missed by many!
I am excited for Diane and her future. The online stamping world will not be the same without her, but new opportunities are coming her way and now she'll have the time to dedicate herself to them. Change is good! Love you, sweet Diane.
"The secret of success in life is to be ready for opportunity when it comes." —Banjamin Disraeli