This Just In: Graduation Photos!
So, my sweet hubby Rich is a professional photographer, and Steph is a budding photographer as well. Me? Uh, not so much. Terrible. Awful. I stink at it. We have a clear division of duties in our marriage: I shop, cook, do laundry and decorate the house while Rich brings home the bacon, washes cars, kills spiders and takes all of the pictures. As it should be. But I digress... Anyway, we have this nice small digital camera (Ric
h still laments the death of film cameras — an artform lost to the world, he says, and I agree — sad story!), but we have the habit around the Allred home of losing cables: iPod cables, phone charger cables, um, cables to hook up a camera to a computer so you can upload the photos you take... so anyhoo, we had to recently order a new cable for our camera. That means that there were lots of pictures on there from the past several months that we were, until recently, unable to retrieve. Which also means that just now, for the first time, I was able to look at the photos we took this past May 28, which was the day our son David gradua
ted from Folsom High School. It was such a happy and long- anticipated day, although it also unfortunately was a day filled with thunderstorms and treacherous downpours and hail, so the school had to move the graduation from the stadium into the gym, which was hot and crowded, but it did not dampen our spirits at all. I was so excited (and relieved) that this day had finally come and David was able to graduate with the awesome class of 2010! Woot woot! Here are a couple pictures of Steph and David in front of our house right after the rain stopped and just before we headed over to the Commencement ceremony. What a day. Good times, and good memories! Now it's on to college and the big, fun, exciting world! David and Steph, I am so proud of the both of you. You are mine forever and I love you!
"The tassel is worth the hassle!" —unknown
"The future lies before you like a field of driven snow.
Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show." —unknown