Just thinking today about motherhood, and what that means over the years as our children grow. My children are now both in their twenties, but in many ways I feel the weight, the responsibility, and the duties of motherhood in a more serious way now than when they were small. It's been such a fascinating process, having these children of mine start out so tiny and helpless, and now 22 years later, where are we and what have we become?
Anyway... nothing incredibly profound to say today, just that I love being a mother and I am awe-struck by all the many things that motherhood entails. So in honor of motherhood, here's a bit of a sneak-peek at a new design coming sometime later this year, and I do believe that it applies to children and mothers of all ages, uh-huh. I know that you moms of older kids will agree... Can I get a what-what?
Loving and caring and praying for my kiddos, no matter their age, every day until I die. Yep.
"Motherhood is priced of God, at price none may dare to lessen or misunderstand." —Helen Fiske Jackson